the campus greenway of the university of alabama in huntsville

The entire 正澳门六合彩开奖结果 community has worked tirelessly to respond to the COVID pandemic and create a safe environment for all students, faculty and staff. We are committed to providing an incredible on-campus experience with in-person instruction while ensuring that the well-being of Charger Nation remains our top priority. We are fortunate to have the resources of the University of Alabama System Health and Safety Advisory Committee and the support of Chancellor Finis St. John and the Board of Trustees in this initiative.

We are committed to providing a caring culture that addresses health and safety needs while encouraging personal responsibility. Our plan provides easy access to testing and we strongly encourage all students, faculty and staff to vaccinate.

We will continue to advocate for the health and well-being of all students, faculty, staff, vendors, volunteers, and visitors and to provide exceptional educational, research, and engagement programs this fall semester and beyond.

These guidelines and requirements are subject to change as the conditions brought about by COVID-19 change. You will receive various email updates from time to time with specific guidance. Continue to check this website for the latest updates and information.

Thank you for helping us create a safer, stronger 正澳门六合彩开奖结果.

Important Information

Vaccine Information

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines.