正澳门六合彩开奖结果 recognizes inventors who received 11 patent awards during 2023-2024 year

a dozen plaques setting on a table.
正澳门六合彩开奖结果 (正澳门六合彩开奖结果) recognized the patent awards of inventors from two colleges and five departments by presenting them with these plaques on April 26, 2024, during the annual University Awards for Excellence program in the Student Services Building.
Michael Mercier | 正澳门六合彩开奖结果

正澳门六合彩开奖结果 (正澳门六合彩开奖结果) honored the achievements of inventors from two colleges and five departments who have been awarded patents during the past year. The annual patent award recognition was held on April 26 during the 2024 University Awards for Excellence program in the Student Services Building. 正澳门六合彩开奖结果 is a part of The University of Alabama System.

鈥淭hese talented individuals exemplify the spirit of innovation that thrives at 正澳门六合彩开奖结果 and extends into the broader marketplace, nurtured by the proactive efforts of our Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC),鈥 said Kannan Grant, director of OTC. 鈥淭hanks to 正澳门六合彩开奖结果鈥檚 strategic investment in its innovators, we have witnessed remarkable growth in our patenting endeavors.鈥

Grant noted these increases over the past five years: Technology disclosures at 正澳门六合彩开奖结果 have doubled; patent filings have risen by 45%, and the issuance of patents has soared by 150%.

Dr. Robert Lindquist, vice president for research and economic development, joined Grant to present plaques to the patent recipients.

The following patents were awarded to 正澳门六合彩开奖结果 researchers from the College of Engineering and the College of Science:

10,812,184, 鈥淪ignal Analysis Systems and Methods,鈥 Lingze Duan (Science, Physics) and Dipen Barot (Science, Optics)

11,620,108, 鈥淩andom Number Generation Systems and Methods,鈥 Aleksandar Milenkovic and Biswajit Ray (both of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering)

11,728,004, 鈥淪ystems and Methods of Improving Radiation Tolerance of Three-Dimensional Flash Memory,鈥 Aleksandar Milenkovic and Biswajit Ray (both of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering)

11,762,563, 鈥淪ystems and Methods for Improving Radiation Tolerance of Memory,鈥 Aleksandar Milenkovic and Biswajit Ray (both of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering)

11,728,000, 鈥淪ystems and Methods for Detecting Counterfeit or Defective Memory,鈥 Biswajit Ray, Umeshwarnath Surendranathan, Preeti Kumari, Md Raquibuzzaman (all of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering)

11,929,691, 鈥淭riboelectric Generator Systems and Methods for Energy Harvesting and Sensing Applications,鈥 Gang Wang (Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), Moonhyung Jang and Yu Lei (both of Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering), and Jacob Lee (Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)

11,815,463, 鈥淩eagent Synthesis and Testing Assays to Detect and Quantify Manganese (II),鈥 Anna Merritt Holmes and Emanuel Waddell (both of Science, Chemistry)

11,701,685, 鈥淪ystems and Methods for Forming Uniform Monolayers of Nanoparticles,鈥 Jeffrey Weimer (Science, Chemistry) and Jimmie Mitchell (Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering)

11,716,867, 鈥淐ontrolled Method to Spontaneously Self-Assemble Uniform, Well-Ordered Films of Solid Nanoparticles,鈥 Jeffrey Weimer (Science, Chemistry) and Cuong Nguyen (Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering)

11,812,540, 鈥淐ontinuous large area cold atmospheric pressure plasma sheet source,鈥 Gabe Xu and Ryan Gott (both of Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)

11,888,131, 鈥淪ystems and Methods for Storing Batteries,鈥 Guangsheng Zhang (Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)